Business Opportunities

Partner Clean Energy Business Opportunities


City of Raleigh RFP for Solar Transit Shelter Kits

Issued By: City of Raleigh
Topic Areas: Solar
Application Deadline: November 6, 2024 by 4 pm

Project Description: The City of Raleigh is accepting bids for the installation of 12 solar transit shelter kits to power real-time arrival signs. Bids will be received until 4 pm on November 6. For more details, view the RFP on the NC Electronic Vendor Portal.

NC Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) RFP for Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block Grant

Issued By: NCDEQ
Topic Areas: Energy Efficiency
Application Deadline: November 7, 2024

Project Description: The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality’s (NCDEQ) is requesting applications for the distribution of Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) funds. This funding is for the purpose of supporting building energy assessments, energy audits, and building upgrades. The deadline to submit a proposal is November 7. View the DEQ website for more details. 

DOE's Clean Energy to Communities (C2C) Expert Match Program

Issued By: National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL)
Topic Areas: clean energy, local governments, utilities, community orgs, colleges
Application Deadline: N/A  

Need help advancing clean energy goals? If so, check out the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) Clean Energy to Communities (C2C) Expert Match program. It offers 40–60 hours of expert analytical support to communities, including local governments, utilities, community organizations, colleges, and others seeking no-cost, short-term assistance to answer clean energy questions. It’s best suited for communities that need to make time-sensitive decisions and learn about options for achieving clean energy goals by applying for federal funding. Applicants get matched with researchers from DOE national laboratories. For more info reach out to:

Career Opportunities—NC Department of Environmental Quality

Issued By: NC Department of Environmental Quality (NC DEQ)
Topic Areas: clean energy, energy efficiency, weatherization, environmental services, natural resources, technology, engineering, recycling and waste management
Application Deadline: Depends on position

NC DEQ is in the process of hiring for a wide variety of positions across the state. These jobs will play key roles in funding allocation and project management as the state pursues its clean energy transition. Postings are typically on the website for an average of 5-10 business days so checking regularly is a good idea.

Link: Job Opportunities | NC DEQ

Two Resources for Findings Federal Funding Opportunities

Issued By: American Cities Climate Challenge and Interagency Working Group on Coal & Power Plant Communities & Economic Revitalization
Topic Areas: federal funding, clean energy, local communities, economic development
Application Deadline: N/A

  • Created by the American Cities Climate Challenge, the Federal Funding Opportunities for Local Decarbonization (FFOLD) tool helps users learn about the many federal funding opportunities that exist for advancing local decarbonization efforts.

Navigating these opportunities and making strategic decisions on how to best utilize the funds available can be challenging. This tool helps local governments prioritize and leverage existing federal funding to advance system-wide energy transition goals—from block grants and technical assistance to competitive grants, loans, and revolving loan funds.

Find more information on and download the FFOLD Tool at the American Cities Climate Challenge website.

  • The Interagency Working Group on Coal & Power Plant Communities & Economic Revitalization created a centralized clearinghouse that features billions of dollars in existing federal funding sources. This government-wide list offers easy access to energy communities applying to fund infrastructure, environmental remediation, job creation, and community revitalization efforts.

View the Interagency Working Group's Clearinghouse.

Electric Coalition’s EV Funding Finder

Issued By: Electric Coalition (EC)
Topic Areas: electric vehicles, federal funding, transportation electrification
Application Deadlines: N/A

The Electric Coalition (EC) has released a new tool to enable cities, states, businesses, and other partners to identify EV funding opportunities across the country. Sources will span the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), and other programs that have increased EV and EV charging infrastructure eligibility. The finder, which will be updated regularly, can be found here.

Please contact us at for further questions.

One North Carolina Small Business Program

Issued By: NC Department of Commerce
Topic Areas: small business, technology, community development, clean energy, workforce development
Application Deadline: Dependent of Solicitation Period and county status

The One North Carolina Small Business Program is comprised of two programs:

  • The SBIR/STTR Phase I Incentive Funds Program (***new this year)
  • The SBIR/STTR Phase I Matching Funds Program.

As authorized by North Carolina General Statute § 143B‑437.80 the SBIR/STTR Phase I Incentive Funds Program provides reimbursement to qualified NC businesses for a portion of the costs incurred in preparing and submitting Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) or Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) proposals to federal agencies. The goal of the Incentive Program is to increase the number, quality, company and technology diversity, and geographic breadth of NC applications for Federal SBIR and STTR Phase I awards.

As authorized by North Carolina General Statute § 143B‑437.81 the SBIR/STTR Phase I Matching Funds Program awards matching funds to NC businesses who have received a federal SBIR or STTR award. The goals of the Matching Program are to help NC companies bridge the funding gap period between the final Phase I payment and the first Phase II payment in the Federal Program and increase the intensity of the research conducted under Phase I, making NC small businesses more competitive in the competition for Phase II funds.

If you have questions regarding the programs overall or eligibility, please contact the OSTI staff.

All of the following positions can be credited to: NASEO’s The Week Ahead

DOE Notice of Intent: Electric Drive Vehicle Battery Recycling and Second Life Applications

Issued By: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)
Topic Areas: electric vehicles, recycling, second use battery
Application Due Date: TBD

The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy released this Notice of Intent (No. DE-FOA-0002679) to issue a Funding Opportunity Announcement. DOE anticipates making $60 million available to fund research, development, and demonstration projects in two areas. First, Recycling Processing and Reintegration into the Battery Supply Chain. Second, Second Use Battery Scale Up and Demonstration.

Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE) Funding Opportunity Exchange

Issued By: US Department of Energy (DOE)
Topic Areas: clean energy, renewables, energy efficiency, building codes, clean energy
Application Deadlines: N/A

Stay up to date with the most recent DOE funding opportunities here.

To submit a business opportunity, please use the form below:

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