Clean Energy for Kids


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Clean Energy Words

Click each word to read the definition. Reading these will help you play the games later!


Clean Energy Games

Now that you've studied the clean energy definitions above, you're ready to play!

How to Play?

The words run horizontally, vertically, diagonally, and backwards. Drag to select the words from the list on the right. Find the words as fast as possible to win!

How to Play?

Move and replace the letters to correctly spell the word.

Need a hint?

Use the "Hint" button in the menu on the right.

Clean Energy Podcast for Kids

NCSEA's Squeaky Clean Energy Podcast is a fresh take on all things clean energy. The podcast recently released a few episodes for all ages. Take a listen below!

The podcast comes out every two weeks to talk about solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, biogas, electric vehicles, battery storage, and all things clean energy.

Clean Energy Puzzle Corner

Use the dropdown to select how difficult the puzzle is. Start with "Easy". To rearrange the pieces, press the "Shuffle" button. Good Luck!

Ready to level up?
Continue to the next level of Clean Energy for Kids.