WICE 2023 Fundraiser Sharing Suite
Example materials to share with your friends, family, and other close contacts.
Sample Email:
I hope you are doing well! I am reaching out to share information about a great program I am supporting and fundraising for. Women in Clean Energy (WICE) is an initiative that was developed by the North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association (NCSEA). The WICE Initiative offers women the opportunity to excel in North Carolina’s clean energy industry by fostering support, camaraderie, and connection. WICE operates on four pillars: personal development, gender equity & equality, mentorship, and leadership. The goal of the initiative is to increase gender diversity within the clean energy industry.
In an effort to reach this goal, WICE is also relaunching its Mentorship Program. This free program directly supports their mission to connect women in clean energy and amplify their voices. If you or someone you may know are interested in joining this program, please email wice@energync.org.
The WICE Initiative currently consists of over 600 individuals and is dedicated to expanding its reach and impact. Please consider donating today and/or helping spread the word about WICE and the Peer-to-Peer Fundraiser! It’s important to note that WICE allies (men) can also be supporters!
Your contributions (monetary or verbal) will help to empower women to thrive in the clean energy space! I encourage you to learn more about the Women in Clean Energy (WICE) Initiative and support the mission in any way you can.
[Insert a statement about how WICE is important/impactful to you]
Please take a moment to visit my fundraising page [INSERT LINK TO YOUR FUNDRAISING PAGE] to learn more about me and to donate to WICE.
Cut and Paste Social Media Posts:
Twitter: I believe in @nccleanenergy’s WICE Initiative's mission & want to help increase gender diversity within the clean energy industry. If you’re equally as committed to expanding opportunities for women, please visit my WICE Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Campaign to learn more & donate!
LinkedIn/Facebook: I’m excited to share that I am fundraising for a cause I really care about—advancing women in clean energy! I am supporting @NC Sustainable Energy Association’s Women in Clean Energy (WICE) Initiative because I want to help increase gender diversity within the clean energy industry. Despite some gains in the recent past, women and people of color are still largely underrepresented in North Carolina’s clean energy industry. The WICE Initiative currently consists of over 600 individuals across North Carolina and there are big plans to keep the momentum going! Check out my WICE Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Campaign to learn more about me, my involvement with WICE, and to donate.
#WICE #womenincleanenergy #collaborationovercompetition
Instagram: I’m excited to share that I am fundraising for a cause I really care about—advancing women in clean energy! I am supporting @nccleanenergy’s Women in Clean Energy (WICE) initiative because I want to help increase gender diversity within the clean energy industry. The WICE Initiative currently consists of over 600 individuals across North Carolina and there are big plans to keep the momentum going! Visit my link in bio to learn more about my fundraising campaign and the “why” behind my support of WICE!
#WICE #womenincleanenergy #collaborationovercompetition