STATEMENT: Duke Energy Files 2020 IRPs

Earlier this week, Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC) and Duke Energy Progress (DEP) filed their 2020 Integrated Resource Plans (IRP) with the North Carolina Utilities Commission (NCUC). As a reminder, the Duke Energy (Duke) and Dominion utilities in North Carolina are required to submit new IRPs to the NCUC for approval. IRPs are, in short, a utility’s plan for meeting forecasted…

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Clean Energy Jobs Powering North Carolina

Shortly, NCSEA and E2 are set to release a report describing the size and economic importance of the clean energy industry in North Carolina in 2019. Overall, clean energy has remained resilient throughout the recession. However, North Carolina’s clean energy industry did experience negative impacts as a result of COVID-19, despite our status as No.…

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Clean Energy in Rural Areas

The environmental and economic benefits of clean energy have been well documented. However, not everyone experiences these benefits equally. As discussed in our July blog post, racial discrepancies have an impact on who is more likely to receive the benefits of clean energy, but geographic location also plays a role in determining who benefits. The…

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Three Years Since HB589 was Signed into Law: How are we Doing?

House Bill 589 (HB589), “Competitive Energy Solutions for NC,” was passed by the North Carolina General Assembly (NCGA) and signed into law by Gov. Roy Cooper on July 27, 2017. This legislation, the first major piece of comprehensive energy legislation passed in North Carolina since Senate Bill 3 in 2007, was the result of a…

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NCSEA and Others Enter into Partial Settlement and Stipulation with Duke Energy for Current Rate Cases

North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association today announces that it has entered into an Agreement and Stipulation of Settlement with Duke Energy Carolinas and Duke Energy Progress for their current rate cases. NCSEA is proud of the work put in by all settling parties, including the North Carolina Justice Center, North Carolina Housing Coalition, Natural Resources…

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Making Clean Energy Affordable and Accessible

With racial discrepancies being brought to light in every area of American life, the clean energy industry needs to look inward at what it can do to improve its access and equity. For decades, communities of color and low-income areas have been treated as lesser in the energy sector. Currently, almost a third of U.S.…

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NCSEA Submits Reply Comments in Solar Rebate Docket

On July 6, NCSEA filed reply comments to the initial comments of The Public Staff and the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE) regarding Duke Energy’s solar rebate program. NCSEA’s initial comments discussed the demand for rooftop solar rebates has consistently exceeded supply in each year of the program. NCSEA encourages the North Carolina Utilities Commission (NCUC) to address this issue by increasing the supply…

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NCSEA Statement on Racism in America

It has been one week since George Floyd was murdered in Minneapolis. NCSEA humbly stands in solidarity with all North Carolinians of color as they mourn the loss of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and the thousands of other black and brown persons murdered in America whose stories we may never know.   On…

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