ACTION ALERT: Contact Senators TODAY with concerns on H169

Last Thursday, the Senate began consideration of a new, comprehensive “regulatory reform” bill (HB169), which includes several concerning energy-related items. This bill could be voted on by the full Senate as early as this afternoon. The primary concern is Section 3.2 (Lines 10-13 of Page 8 of H169 4th Edition) which repeals the requirements state agencies…

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Advancing Clean Energy with Untapped Resources

By Larry D. Yon, II and Dr. Robert J. Brown              Can a socially diverse and inclusive clean energy ecosystem be the missing link to addressing our world’s greatest environmental, economic and community concerns? This thought piece will explore the impact of increasing diversity and inclusion of thought and action…

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NCSEA Celebrates DOE Announcement of Solar Ready Vets Program at Ft. Bragg

The NC Sustainable Energy Association (NCSEA) applauds yesterday’s US Department of Energy announcement of five new Solar Ready Vets training programs, including a program at Fort Bragg in Fayetteville, NC with Fayetteville Technical Community College as the training provider. NCSEA worked with the Energy Department, the NC Military Business Center, and Fayetteville Technical Community College to connect…

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Action Alert: Bill to Add Onerous Fees, Regulations on Renewable Energy Industry & Limit Private Property Rights

ACTION ALERT: Senate Bill 843  It’s hard to believe that in a state which was just voted #3 for business, you’d see a bill adding 10 pages of new permitting regulations to a thriving North Carolina industry. Senate Bill 843 was filed yesterday by Senator Bill Cook (R-Beaufort) and Senator Andrew Brock (R-Davie), and seeks to bring renewable…

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April Giga-Thought: Certification of Regulatory Professionals: Why Not?

CERTIFICATION OF REGULATORY PROFESSIONALS: WHY NOT? By Scott Hempling*  Accountants, architects, barbers, cosmetologists, crane operators, dentists, docking masters, doctors, electricians, engineers, foresters, home inspectors, interior designers, landscape architects, lawyers, land surveyors, pilots, plumbers, private detectives, real estate appraisers, real estate brokers, security systems technicians, security guards and tax preparers. These are among the professions my…

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Action Alert: Support the Biomass Thermal Utilization Act

An opportunity to enact provisions of the Biomass Thermal Utilization Act has presented itself in the form of the Federal Aviation Administration’s reauthorization bill which is now being considered on the U.S. Senate floor. “The BTU Act allows renewable biomass thermal energy to qualify for the same federal tax credits that wind and solar have…

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NCSEA Statement on North Carolina House Bill 2

Like numerous other organizations operating inside and outside of North Carolina, the NC Sustainable Energy Association has concerns about the State’s recently-enacted House Bill 2. Our organization values and strives for inclusiveness because it is right; moreover, it is good for business. If recent actions by many across the country are any indication, this legislation…

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Update: NCSEA Statement on Renewable Energy Safe Harbor Law

One-Year Extension for Clean Energy Projects Completed in 2016 Would Generate Up to $3 Billion in Additional Investments Update: As predicted, not all of the renewable energy projects that originally filed for the Safe Harbor provision met the development threshold in the law by March 1, 2016. According to the NC Department of Revenue, of…

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This month’s ‘Giga-thought’: THIRD-PARTY SALES- WHAT TO EXPECT

THIRD-PARTY SALES: WHAT TO EXPECT by Kurt J. Olson[1] INTRODUCTION “Third-party sales” has become a phrase of art in North Carolina’s energy law.  It generally means the sale of electricity to the “public” for compensation by an entity other than the utility authorized by statute to sell electricity to the public in the designated geographic…

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Breaking Down REPS Misinformation

The attacks from those trying to slow the success of clean energy in North Carolina keep coming.  A key policy behind the growth of North Carolina’s clean energy economy, the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (REPS) has been singled out time and time again by clean energy opponents. We expect the REPS, a…

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