NCSEA files Joint Reply Comments Regarding the Solar Integration Services Charge in CPRE

On October 7, the Commission issued an order requesting comments from parties about whether Duke’s solar integration services charge (SISC) should apply to the Competitive Procurement of Renewable Energy (CPRE) and, if so, how it should be implemented. On October 17, the Commission subsequently issued a Notice of Decision in the avoided cost docket approving in concept but modifying the SISC for PURPA contracts. In response…

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Summer Intern Series: Sagar Shah

Hometown: Orlando, Florida Education: Duke University (BA in Public Policy Analysis ‘22) Worked on: Developed strategies for using data to increase membership, open new revenue streams, and enhance NCSEA’s advocacy work in the NC General Assembly Future plans: Looking for internship opportunities in strategic planning, non-profit management, and advocacy, preferably in the clean energy industry My time with NCSEA has been a learning and growth opportunity I…

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Summer Intern Series: Shakeel Ahmed

Hometown: Islamabad, Pakistan Education: National University of Sciences and Technology (BSE in Electrical Engineering) and Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University (Masters in Public Policy ’20) Worked on: County Laws on Utility Scale Solar, Cost Recovery Riders (DSM/EE,Fuel, REPS) and Net-Metering and Voluntary Renewable Energy Certificates Policy Future plans: Return to Pakistan and continue working as a civil servant…

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Summer Intern Series: Keith Bollt

Hometown: Potsdam, New York Education: Cornell University (BS in Environmental Studies) and Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment (Masters of Water Resource Management ’20) Worked on: Authoring of 45-page filing for NC Utilities Commission; co-wrote energy policy campaign plan Future plans: Seeking a full-time job in environmental policy and management I am a Duke University graduate student entering my final year of my Master’s program in water resources management. I graduated Cum Laude from…

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NCSEA Statement in Response to Duke’s Carbon Plans

In response to the September 17th announcement from Duke Energy about their plans for achieving net-zero carbon emissions, NCSEA General Counsel Peter Ledford responded: “NCSEA is disappointed that Duke is doubling down on new natural gas in what is supposed to be an announcement about reducing carbon emissions. The United States has crossed the natural…

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Summer Intern Series: Claire Williamson

Hometown: Chapel Hill, North Carolina Education: American University (Environmental Studies and Economics) and Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs (Master of Public Affairs and Master of Environmental Affairs ‘19) Worked on: Grant writing for DOE and a foundation for funds to support utilities with integrating energy efficiency with solar + storage and promoting the adoption of tariffed on-bill programs…

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Summer Intern Series: Jess Seigel

Hometown: Castro Valley, California Education: University of California, Davis (BS in Environmental Science and Management) and Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment (Masters of Environmental Management ’19) Worked on: DOE Grant, developing business models that increase equitable access to distributed energy resources like solar and energy efficiency Future plans: Developing programs to help communities/utilities effectively integrate clean energy technology into the electricity…

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NCSEA Files Initial Comments in EV Pilot Docket

Last Friday, the NCSEA regulatory team submitted Initial Comments on Duke Energy’s Application for Approval of Proposed Electric Transportation Pilot. Duke Energy originally filed their Application in late March, and the North Carolina Utilities Commission (NCUC) called on intervenors to submit comments by July 5.   In their Application, Duke Energy proposed an Electric Transportation Pilot with a number of goals including but not limited to:  More comprehensively…

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2018 North Carolina Clean Energy Industry Census Illustrates Importance of Clean Energy for North Carolina’s Economy

RALEIGH, N.C., June 20, 2019— North Carolina’s diverse Clean Energy Industry now boasts over $14 billion in revenue, 43,238 jobs, and over 1,700 firms according to the 2018 North Carolina Clean Energy Industry Census, released today by North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association (NCSEA). Since NCSEA pioneered the first state-based Clean Energy Industry Census in 2008,…

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2019 Economic Impact Analysis of Clean Energy Development in North Carolina

RALEIGH, N.C., May 14, 2019 – North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association (NCSEA) today announced the release of the Economic Impact Analysis of Clean Energy Development in North Carolina—2019 Update report. RTI International conducted the report to identify associated economic impacts of clean energy development (renewable energy and energy efficiency) in North Carolina and identified that,…

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