Solar Company Shines Light on Gender Pay Parity 

Women in the United States are, on average, paid just 80 cents on the dollar of what men make. National residential solar and storage company Sunrun Inc., though, is leading the industry toward a more equitable future. Earlier this summer, Sunrun announced that it had achieved 100 percent gender pay parity for employees performing similar work in similar…

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2018 Capacity Reached for Commercial and Residential Rebates in Duke Energy Solar Rebate Programs

Just 17 days after it began accepting applications for the Solar Rebate Program, Duke Energy today notified the Utilities Commission that the annual participation caps for 2018 have been met for residential and commercial customers. At the time of Duke Energy’s notification, there is still capacity remaining for non-profit organizations.   In their filing, Duke Energy notes that rebate…

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Update: Duke Energy’s Community Solar Program

Though North Carolina is ranked second in the nation for total installed solar PV capacity, there are still many NC residents who don’t have the necessary sunny sight conditions or face some other obstacle to “going solar.” Here at NCSEA, we hope that the community solar model of solar development can make solar more accessible to all North Carolinians. The community solar model…

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NCUC Rules on Duke Energy Carolinas Rate Case: Takeaways for the Clean Energy Community

Over the past year, NCSEA engaged in two Duke Energy rate cases: First, in last fall’s Duke Energy Progress (DEP) proceeding, followed by this year’s Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC) proceeding. In both cases, NCSEA advocated for essential policies such as: fair rate design; transparent and collaborative grid planning; empowering customers by providing easy and meaningful…

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Update on the Proposed Green Source Advantage Program

As an intervenor in the docket to approve Duke Energy’s Green Source Advantage Program, NCSEA (and others) filed a Joint Motion for Leave to file Sur-reply Comments on Friday, May 4, 2018. You can read the full text of this filing here. This motion is a collaboration between the NC Clean Energy Business Alliance (NCCEBA);…

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NCUC Rules on Duke Energy Solar Rebates Program: Takeaways for the Clean Energy Community

Solar energy is a driving force behind North Carolina’s growing clean energy economy, which has advanced tremendously in the past decade. In large part, the growth that spurred North Carolina to second in the nation for installed solar is thus far attributed to the rapid deployment of utility-scale solar installations. Customer-sited solar, meanwhile, has also continued to grow…

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NCUC Rules on Duke Energy Progress Rate Case: Takeaways for the Clean Energy Community

Last summer, Duke Energy Progress (DEP) filed an application to increase their retail rates with the NC Utilities Commission (NCUC). As advocates for clean energy, NCSEA pays close attention to any changes in utility rate structures; in particular, how the proposed changes impact access to energy efficiency and renewable energy options for customers. Accordingly, NCSEA…

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Keeping NC Open for Business: NCSEA, Fortune-500 Companies, Military & Universities Team Up to Improve Access to Renewable Energy

It’s well-known that countless influential business, healthcare, and education leaders have made a commitment to power their facilities with clean energy – many of them working toward a goal of 100% renewable energy usage in the near future. This movement has especially taken shape in the last several years, most notably as Fortune 100 and…

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PROPOSED Duke Solar Rebate Program Overview

The proposed Duke Energy Solar Rebate Program is currently under the review of the NC Utilities Commission. NCSEA will update our members as soon as we have a status update. In the meantime, please consider this plan a proposal and not yet a program. Click here to view details of the proposed plan. Background The…

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