The Role of Fuel Cost Volatility in Rising Electric Bills

When Duke Energy customers across the state got their utility bills earlier this year, many were shocked to find dramatic increases in the rates they were paying. The central reason: the high cost of natural gas.  In fact, EQ Research recently issued a report finding that between 46% and 67% (depending on where they live…

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Five Things to Know as NC Plans its Energy Future  

The coming months are hugely important to North Carolina’s future as the North Carolina Utilities Commission reviews, and ultimately decides, Duke Energy’s plans for the next several decades.  This Carbon Plan / Integrated Resource Plan (CPIRP) process will lay out how Duke Energy produces electricity for decades and, as a result, how much we pay.…

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NCSEA Statement on Duke Energy’s Carbon Plan Supplemental Planning Analysis

RALEIGH, N.C. – On January 31, Duke Energy filed a Verified Amended Petition for Approval of 2023-2024 Carbon Plan and Integrated Resource Plans and Supplemental Planning Analysis in the Carbon Plan/Integrated Resource Plan docket to adjust for the company’s increased load forecast. The filing sets out Duke’s plans to add a variety of generation resources…

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NCSEA Statement on Changes to Non-Residential Solar Net Metering

RALEIGH, N.C. – In December, the North Carolina Utilities Commission issued an order in the Duke Energy Carolinas rate case, which approved the utility’s proposed changes to non-residential solar compensation. The changes to these solar rates will greatly affect the economics of solar investments by small businesses and local governments and closely resemble the changes approved…

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Response to Duke Energy’s Proposed Combined Carbon Plan and Integrated Resources Plan (CPIRP)

Background on the Carbon Plan  In 2021, leadership in the North Carolina General Assembly and the Governor reached a bipartisan agreement to establish the first carbon reduction mandates for a state in the Southeast. This agreement was enacted into law as House Bill 951: Energy Solutions for North Carolina (HB 951). It requires Duke Energy (Duke) to…

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