Ride Along with Chris Maxwell

Originally published in June 2021 – Clean Energy Storyteller. Coauthored by Janelle Martin and Chris Maxwell.   With last month’s national gas shortage, the conversation regarding the importance of electric vehicles (EVs) is greater than ever before. According to Cox Automotive, the interest for EVs skyrocketed where 50% of consumers indicated they were suddenly more interested…

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NCSEA Statement on Stakeholder Energy Legislation

Today, North Carolina House leadership shared the first public bill draft of comprehensive energy reform legislation following months of stakeholder negotiations. NCSEA is appreciative of its inclusion in the stakeholder process and grateful to House leaders for facilitating robust discussion around critical energy issues. While there are important provisions in the bill that provide greater…

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Celebrating 50 Episodes: Squeaky Clean & Gov. Cooper

On June 10, the North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association (NCSEA) released its milestone 50th episode of the Squeaky Clean Energy Podcast, “Get the Scoop on Clean Energy with Gov. Cooper,” where host Matt Abele conducted an exclusive interview with North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper on the progress of NC’s Clean Energy Plan from 2018 and his newest Executive Order 218 which states NC’s…

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Clean Energy in Appalachia

The Appalachian region encompasses a large region of the United States stretching from the Southern counties of New York all the way to Northern Alabama and Mississippi. This region is historically known for its coal mining practices but is also well-positioned to encourage the shift to a clean energy future.  Over the past few decades, there has been a decrease in the demand for…

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SCEP: Episode 49 – What’s in Store(age)?

The Squeaky Clean Energy Podcast released its 49th episode, titled “What’s in Store(age) for North Carolina,” spotlighting North Carolina’s unique opportunity to support the onshoring of lithium-ion battery and electric vehicle manufacturing. In recent years, energy storage technology has become significantly cheaper, making it a viable accompaniment to popular renewable options, like wind and solar energy. While energy storage options range from mechanical to thermal, lithium-ion batteries have become the…

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NCSEA Statement on NCUC Approval of Settlement in Rate Case

The North Carolina Utilities Commission (NCUC) has just issued an order approving a settlement agreement between NCSEA, Duke Energy, the North Carolina Justice Center, North Carolina Housing Coalition, Natural Resources Defense Council, and Southern Alliance for Clean Energy represented by the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) in Duke Energy’s most recent rate case. This settlement agreement offers opportunities to increase access to clean energy and energy bill support for North Carolina’s low- to moderate-income energy consumers through, among other things, measured…

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March is Women’s History Month

Happy Women’s History Month! At NCSEA, we believe that women play a vital role in contributing to and developing the clean energy industry. The women featured in this blog have had a monumental role in shaping the clean energy landscape to what we know today. From designing the first solar-powered house to serving as United States Secretary of Energy, the worldwide clean energy landscape would be drastically different without…

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N.C. Commerce Releases Offshore Wind Supply and Manufacture Report

Today, the North Carolina Department of Commerce (NCDOC) published a report reflecting a strategic state-wide plan to expand the use of offshore wind in and around the state. The study assesses the opportunities available, the benefits of taking advantage of existing assets, as well as the business potential of offshore wind. The report offers resources…

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NCSEA Statement on Duke Energy’s 2020 Integrated Resource Plans

Yesterday, NCSEA joined several other parties in submitting comments to the North Carolina Utilities Commission (NCUC) in response to Duke Energy’s proposed Integrated Resource Plans (IRP). NCSEA and our partners utilized the expertise of Synapse Energy Economics (Synapse) to evaluate Duke’s IRPs and propose an alternative. The resulting report demonstrates that the plans Duke submitted are not the least-cost option, despite the fact that Duke is obligated by…

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Celebrating Black History Month: Kristal Hansley

In honor of Black History Month, NCSEA will post a weekly blog post throughout February to honor the contributions African Americans have made towards advancing the clean energy landscape across the United States.    Kristal Hansley is the first female African American CEO within the community solar industry in the United States. She is the founder of WeSolar, a community solar company located in Baltimore, that…

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